Cost of Living Crisis

How is the cost of living crisis affecting people sleeping rough?

The Connection at St.Martin’s support people sleeping rough to find a way off the streets to that home and find shelter. We get to know everyone we work with, build trust and we don’t give up when things get tough.

Data on our cost increase and more visitors

If you need help with rising prices and the cost of living crisis, please reach out here

We’re all feeling the pinch right now, but for people who have already lost so much, the cost of living crisis is devastating. Rising rents, bills and food prices mean that we are seeing more and more people come to us for help. Without our support, some people simply won’t be able to cope.

The crisis is hitting us too. Despite doing everything we can to save money, we estimate that providing our essential services – food, showers, laundry – will cost us at least £100 a day more than expected.

Recent statistics indicate being homeless is on the rise due to more people struggling under the cost of living crisis. This means more people will be coming to us for support while we also face an increase in costs, so far this has increased by 89% since March. We’re doing everything we can to support people who need us but The Connection at St. Martin’s can’t do this without you.

We know now is a difficult time to give. Money is tight for all of us. But even a small donation can make a big impact if we all do our bit. We rely on caring supporters like you to help us be there for our clients during these challenging times.

Please give what you can today.

Tomorrow might be too late during the cost of living crisis.

price points

If you would like to make a one-off donation you can do so here:

If you would like to set up a regular gift you can do so here to help make a difference to the lives of people experiencing homelessness in London.

We know not everyone can give right now but we still greatly value your support. You can still help us by sharing this page with your friends and family to help us reach more people.

Thank you,
The Connection team and all our clients