The First Step – Support with Homelessness

Two people talking, getting support with homelessness
At The Connection we get to know everyone we meet and put their needs first, on their own terms.

When accessing support for homelessness, the first step can often be the hardest.

This is because asking for help can make us feel weak or like we’ve failed in some way. It could also be because we’ve been let down by other people or services who are meant to support us in the past.

At The Connection, we aim to be better.

We work with, never for, the people we support and let their goals guide their own recovery process. We will never force our expectations onto your journey towards a better future – however you choose to define it.

How do we provide support?

Everyone who comes to us – over 1,000 people last year – has a unique relationship with The Connection.

It often starts with a quick chat. From here, some people choose to come into our centre for a coffee, hot meal or to rest. Others choose to stay on the streets so they have a chance to get to know our outreach team better before visiting us. We sometimes have people come to our centre just to join our weekly walks or art sessions.

All of these options are a great start or could be enough for the time being. Whatever form of support seems best to you is what we will provide.

Take Sebastian for example. When he first visited us, he had been rough sleeping on and off for a few months. He was not able to work at the time, having come from Poland and not having settled status.

After getting to know us, he allowed us to find him more permanent accommodation, at a hostel in Victoria and he is making progress in managing his addictions. We also helped Sebastian to gain settled status, which will enable him to work. See more of Sebastian’s story here.

Sebastian and his key worker who supported him with homelessness

There are times when people come to us for support with things like employment or housing.

Whatever situation you’re experiencing in homelessness or rough sleeping, The Connection is here for you. We will meet you where you’re at and follow your lead.

If would like support with homelessness get in contact with us here or call us on 020 7766 5544. We’re here to help, guided by your needs.

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