Providing help and support to access housing
The Resettlement team works intensively with people experiencing homelessness to identify and follow an action plan to provide support and end their homelessness.
The people who they support, who often have multiple and complex needs, are referred are casework team for more detailed assessments and support.
The team provides a wide range of services to help people find accommodation and maintain themselves there, including:
Helping people back home
A significant part of the team’s work involves helping people, where possible, back into accommodation or services in their home area. This can help people to preserve local connections and friendships and reduce the risk of further exclusion or isolation. It is also easier for someone to access specialist services in their local area than in one where they have no previous links.
We provide travel costs to enable people to return to their home area, where they may have accommodation still available to them or where they can return to family or friends. If this is not possible we assist by liaising with local services, arranging appointments for people and accompanying them where possible.
If you would like to support this work, please click here or follow us on social media to learn more
Advice Quality Standard
We are accredited by Advice Quality Standard (AQS), an audited standard that focuses on advice giving.
They are audited every two years to demonstrate that their service is accessible, effectively managed, and that their staff have the skills and knowledge to meet the needs of their clients.