How to Overcome Blue Monday

blue monday - man in dark room
Blue Monday is the saddest day of the year. Can we work together to make sure everyone can manage it?

Blue Monday, which falls on the 16th of January, is considered the most depressing day of the year and is a day when people can really struggle with their mental health.

This is because: some people are challenged financially due to the effects of holiday season (especially now during the cost of living crisis), the nights are still cold and dark and failed New Year resolutions can all combine and lead to a low mood.

While Blue Monday isn’t a based in any scientific evidence, it’s clear that the post-holiday period is a challenging time for many. The effects of financial difficulties and poor weather can greatly impact a person’s mental and physical health. As a homelessness charity, this is something we are very familiar with.

How does Blue Monday affect people sleeping rough?

Very often, the effects of Blue Monday are amplified for people sleeping rough. People facing homelessness face a consistent sense of financial difficulty – often before, during and after their homelessness experience. This can present many challenges, especially to those who face multiple disadvantage and struggle to find suitable support.

This can also have knock-on effects on mental health due to the stress of constantly facing threats to survival due to lacking food and shelter.

Cold and dark weather can impact all of our moods but for people on the streets, it carries additional challenges. Cold weather can become life-threatening quickly, especially for people with pre-existing health conditions.

man in snow at night

While we are always there to provide support, many people choose to stay on the streets as it feels familiar. They may also have a difficult time trusting an organisation if they have had poor experiences in the past.

It’s also common at this time of year to see the additional Christmas support from charities end, leaving people who use these services feeling more isolated than before.

Ultimately, this Blue Monday may be tough for many of us but serves as a strong reminder of the everyday challenges faced by people sleeping rough this winter.

So, is there a solution to the Blue Monday?

There’s no denying that today will be challenge for many both on and off the streets. Perhaps, the best way to overcome the winter blues is to remember nobody has to face it alone.

At The Connection, we always have an open door to everyone who needs a place to call home. We also welcome volunteers, staff and supporters to form a community with us. Together, we can overcome this winter period and be there for people facing homelessness.

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