The UK Cost of Living, Homelessness and Christmas

Snow in front of tower bridge - The UK cost of living crisis
The UK cost of living, Christmas and Homelessness our all affecting each other this winter.

As a homelessness charity, Christmas often brings mixed feelings. While donations tend to rise, the amount of people coming to us for support increases dramatically. And the UK cost of living crisis isn’t helping.

All of us will be feeling the pinch this Christmas with the average price of Christmas essentials rising by 18%. As Christmas becomes more difficult to fund we might cut down the number of gifts we buy or go to less Christmas markets.

But what about people who have nothing left to cut down on this Christmas?

This could make this Christmas people’s first time experiencing homelessness and sleeping rough for reasons out of their control.

The UK cost of living crisis is predicted to push 300,000 households across Britain into homelessness. This is an emergency on an unprecedented scale: on any one night official estimates show more than 4,000 people are sleeping rough in England which is already pushing services to their limit. And while this need for support at Christmas is rising, government funding is predicted to fall in the next year.

Blue text reading - the average london rent is up 7%

To make matters worse, the cold weather is setting in. Sleeping outside is risky at any time of year but in this weather, it can quickly become fatal. Other health risks include hyperthermia, frostbite and poor mental health. This means the UK cost of living crisis won’t only stop people celebrating Christmas in the comfort of their homes but could also have life long impacts on a person’s wellbeing.

How can I Help?

There are many ways you could help someone sleeping rough through the cost of living crisis this winter. The most effective is to support our work as we bring people in from the cold and provide long-term support for people looking for home.

Of course, this isn’t an option for everyone right now. A good alternative is to donate spare coats and other winter essentials to those sleeping on the streets.

Finally, Christmas can be lonely for many at this time of year. Taking a second for a quick chat can make all the difference. You can also direct them to our services on Adelaide Street us we can support them this Christmas and into the New Year.

There is no quick fix to the UK’s cost of living crisis and homelessness at Christmas. But together, we can make a difference. Being on the streets over Christmas is hard – certainly one of the toughest times for the people we work with. Of course, any time on the streets can cause someone to lose trust in society. They’ve been let down, and feel they have nowhere else to turn.

Donate what you can today, and you’ll help them see better things are possible.

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