Why do women become homeless?

Why do women become homeless and how do their experiences differ to men sleeping rough?

For a person of any gender homelessness is often caused by a combination of events. But there are some triggers which affect women more often including fleeing from a violent partner, sexual abuse and growing up in care.

Trigger Warning: mentions of sexual and physical abuse

Women experiencing homelessness are even more vulnerable than men, often suffering from increased mental health issues as well as drug or alcohol dependencies with less support available.

When in crisis, women are more likely to turn to friends or family for support. This can lead to people becoming part of the hidden homeless population as they are harder to reach by support services. Because of this, it is difficult to accurately measure how many women need help.

Hidden homelessness also includes women working in brothels, and as sex workers. Sometimes, women enter this field to avoid rough sleeping. Due to lack of regulation, these dangerous circumstances can trap vulnerable women and prevent them from accessing essential support.

Sleeping Rough

Sleeping rough for women is incredibly dangerous and they are far more likely to be physically or verbally attacked and sexually assaulted. To protect themselves they may sleep in hidden places, or disguise themselves, making it more difficult for street teams to find them.

How We Help

Our services help in a number of ways including:

  • Street Outreach teams will go on to the streets twice a day looking for women who are rough sleeping while responding to referrals from members of the public and businesses. They check hidden spots including alleyways, under piles of cardboard and parks.
  • Women-identifying key workers can work specifically with vulnerable clients who may be less likely to engage with men.
  • Every week a women’s support group is held at the centre offering advice and care on a range of emotional and practical issues including housing, health, and education. It’s also a chance for women to meet people in a similar situation and offer each other support.
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